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Real Estate Agency KAMIN

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Naša kompanija je osnovana 1996. godine i bavila se turističkom djelatnošću, trgovinom i prometom nekretnina. 2002 godine otvorena je nova kompanija “DUKI KOMERC DOO” u okviru koje je otvorena i agencija za promet nekretnina “KAMIN” koja se bavi posredovanjem u prodaji i kupovini nekretnina kako na Crnogorskom primorju od Herceg Novog do Ulcinja tako i u cijeloj Crnoj Gori, Srbiji, Bosni I Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj itd…
S obzirom na dug staž u radu sa nekretninama Agencija “KAMIN” je stekla poslovne partnere u Crnoj Gori i bivšim zemalja Sovjetskog Saveza, Engleske, Švedske, Nemačke, Irske, Španije, Poljske, Madjarske, Francuske, itd. sa kojima imamo vrlo uspješnu saradnju.
U našoj ponudi se nalazi preko 2.000 nekretnina: kuća, stanova, placeva, hotela, motela, vila, poslovnih prostora kao i investicionih projekata koji čekaju nove investitore. Kao ozbiljna agencija nastojimo da proširimo našu ponudu da bi na najbolji mogući način uspjeli da izađemo u susret našim kupcima, ali i klijentima koji žele da nam povjere svoje nekretnine da ih mi prezentujemo, oglasimo i prodamo na najbolji mogući način.
Pored toga što klijentima obezbjeđujemo najpovoljnije uslove za prodaju i kupovinu nepokretnosti mi spajamo kupca i prodavca tako da oni mogu sami da pričaju o detaljima predmetne nepokretnosti i takođe našim kljentima obezbjeđujemo sledeće usluge :
-Pokazivanje nepokretnosti (fotografije) u agenciji. U zavisnosti od zainteresovanosti klijenta vodimo ga da pogleda izabranu predmetnu nepokretnost.
-U slučaju zainteresovanosti klijenta za kupovinu pokazujemo mu kompletnu dokumnetaciju predmetne nepokretnosti.
-Kad se klijent odluči za kupovinu zakazujemo potpoisivanje ugovora kod Notara. Poslije potpisivanja ugovora kompletnu dokumentaciju predajemo u Katastar, gde se vrši uknjižba kupljene nepokretnosti na ime novog vlasnika.
-Kupcu prevodimo na njegovo ime račune za električnu energiju, vodu, smeće i ostale račune vezane za predmetnu nepokretnost.
-Uveli smo mogućnost da potencijalni kupci mogu preko naše agencije da poruče nekretnine po svojoj želji koje mi onda tražimo specijalno za njih.
-Vršimo usluge geodetskih poslova, Izradu projektne dokumentacije, otvaranje privatnih preduzeća u Crnoj Gori, u mogućnosti smo da obezbjedimo i građevinske firme koje mogu da vrše gradnju od temelja do krova ( ključ u ruke) kao i održavanje i čišćenje stanova i čitavih stambenih zgrada, takođe imamo saradnju sa poznatim brendovima (firmama) koje se bave enterijerom i eksterijerom.
U okviru firme imamo obezbjeđenu pravnu službu – advokate koji učestvuju u sklapanju ugovora i provjeri regularnosti dokumentacije svih nekretnina koje se nalaze u našoj ponudi tako da su i kupci i prodavci potpuno pravno zaštićeni.
Kompanija posluje pod sloganom: “Ozbiljan posao završite bez brige!” a da bi smo opravdali naš slogan i Vaše povjerenje za vas su 24 sata na raspolaganju članovi tima koji su zaposleni u agenciji i zalažu se da svoj posao obavljaju besprekorno i da svojim klijentima pruže sigurnost i zadovoljstvo u poslovanju sa našom agencijom.
Bavimo se i kratkoročnim i dugoročnim izdavanjem nekretnina na teritoriji opštine Budva. Za vlasnike koji ne žive u Crnoj Gori nudimo opciju čuvanja i održavanja nekretnina.
Our company was founded in 1996 and it is engaged in tourism business, trade and real estate business. In 2002 a new company was opened – “DUKI KOMERC DOO”, that included real estate agency “KAMIN”, specified for mediation in sale and purchase of real estate in the Montenegrin coast all away from Herceg Novi to Ulcinj and entire Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, etc.
Considering the long experience in dealing with real estate, “KAMIN” agency has gained business partners in Montenegro and in the former countries of the Soviet Union, Britain, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Poland, Hungary, France, etc., with whom we have a very successful cooperation.
There are over 2000 real estate in our offer: houses, apartments, plots, hotels, motels, villas, office spaces and investment projects waiting for new investors.
As a serious agency, we aspire to expand our offer, so we can accomplish the best possible way to meet our customers and clients needs and wishes to entrust us their real estate, so we can present, advertise and sell them, which is mutually satisfactory goal.
In addition, we are providing customers the best terms for sale and purchase of real estate. We connect buyers and sellers so that they can talk themselves about the details of the subject property. We also provide the following services for our clients:
Showing and introducing the real estate (in photos) in the agency.
Depending on clients’ interest, we take them to see the selected subject property.
In the case of customers interest in purchase, we show them complete
documentation refering to the subject property.
When customer decides to purchase, we schedule contract signing with a
public notary. After signing a contract, we deliver whole documentation to the Land Registry records, where they perform a registration of the purchased property and transfer it to the new owner.
Dealing with ownership transfer, (transfering bills for electricity, water,
garbage etc. related to the subject property, from the first to the second owner)
We have introduced the possibility that potential buyers can order property
as they wish, which we then look for them specifically, on their request.
We offer surveying service, preparation of project documentation; the
establishment of private enterprises in Montenegro. We are able to provide construction companies that can carry out the construction (turn-key projects); We can provide maintenance and cleaning apartments, houses and entire residential buildings as well; We cooperate with famous brands (companies) involved in interior and exterior design.
We also deal with short-term and long-term real state renting in Budva and
its nearby area. For owners who do not live in Montenegro, we offer keeping and maintaning their property.
Our company includes law department – lawyers involved in making contracts and checking the documentation regularity of all properties that we have in our offer, so that buyers and sellers can be fully legally protected.
The company operates under the motto: “ Your realty – our concern. Get things done with no bother!” and in order to justify our claim and your confidence, our job devoted team members are at your service 24/7, doing their job flawlessly and providing our customers safety and satisfaction in doing business with our agency.